Friday, December 24, 2010

A Wassailing We Shall Go!

This beverage is a Christmas family tradition. My mom shared this recipe with me and I always associate this cider with our German heritage. While this mulled beverage presumingly dates back to medieval Europe, it is more associated with Old English heritage - luckily friends, I am half German and English so I can still claim this one as part of my heritage! As I gather from Wikipedia, the etymology summons the yule time as a time of new beginnings. The word itself is a contraction of the Middle English phrase wæs hæil  which translates to "good health" or "be you healthy." On top of that the verb Wassailing refers to an English tradition as well that I don't have the space to go into but is quite interesting as well. 

So if you are opting out of mulled wine this year, you will find that Wassail is a great non-alcoholic alternative. I suggest filling up your thermos and taking it along with you as you search out a quiet lake to ice skate on or porting it to your family dinner this season.

12 cups apple juice

1 cup orange juice

6 cups pineapple juice

12 oz. apricot nectar

6 cinnamon sticks

1 tsp. cloves

     Stir all ingredients in large pot.  Heat slowly till simmering.  Continue for one hour.  Remove cinnamon sticks and cloves.  Serve HOT.

1 comment:

  1. YAY. I'm glad I have a husband who's brought his heritage into our Christmas!
