Tuesday, September 1, 2009

oh, hey sprouts.

Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. Ezekiel 4:9

I promised I would explain in greater details the sprouting process. My sprouts are just about ready  for harvesting. They have only been sprouting for a couple days but already have small tails about a centimeter long. 

As evidenced by the Ezekiel text, sprouting of grains has been a practice that dates far back into history. The reason it was popular then and growing in popularity these days, thanks to bread companies like Ezekiel Bread, is because of the the nutritional benefit of the sprouts. 

According to isga-sprouts.org: researchers "have found that sprouts retain the B-complex vitamins present in the original seed, and show a big jump in Vitamin A and an almost unbelievable amount of Vitamin C over that present in unsprouted seeds. While some nutritionists point out that this high vitamin content is gained at the expense of some protein loss, the figures are impressive: an average 300 percent increase in Vitamin A and a 500 to 600 percent increase in Vitamin C. In addition, in the sprouting process starches are converted to simple sugars, thus making sprouts easily digested.   http://www.isga-sprouts.org/history.htm
 So what you'll need:

a jar
a cheesecloth or similar screening material to allow drainage.
a rubber band
a drying rack or something to put the jar on and allow to drain

In my current batch of sprouts I have used wheat, lentils, and quinoa. You should be able to find lentils and quinoa at the grocery store no problem. Many markets in the Northwest have bulk sections where wheat is likely to be found. Keep in mind that wheat is sometimes referred to as wheat berries.

The amount of grains that you use depend on the size of the jar. Just keep in mind that the goal is to provide adequate rinsing and draining of the seeds - so don't make it too cramped.

After placing the grains in the jar. Fill it up with water and let soak over night or about 8 - 12 hours.
After this initial soak, all you will have to do is attach the cheesecloth over the mouth of the jar with the rubber band and rinse the grains and let them drain by leaving the jar inverted until next rinse. I recommend that the grains be rinsed three times a day. And keep them in a dark area at room temperature. Just repeat the process for a couple of days and you'll begin to see the sprouts start to germinate.

After a couple days, they should look something like this:

I'm going to stop the sprouting process right about here so I can make bread. But if you are planning on eating the sprouts let them grow a bit so that the roots are an inch to 2 inches long.

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